Dynamic Volume Profile Profiting (中文)

** Dynamic Volume Profile Profiting** ** 動態成交量分布 盈利 ** Dynamic volume profile involves creating multiple volume profiles not based on time, but rather according to market participants. This is one of the most straightforward and effective methods for applying volume profile, put out higher success rate. 動態成交量分布涉及創建多個成交量分布圖,不是基於時間,而是根據市場參與者。這是應用Volume Profile的最直接、最有效的方法之一,輸出較高的成功率。 In golfing, a successful golfer swings consistently and knows exact which club to apply. Does this sound familiar in trading? Yes, but if every single hole is 100 yards, would an average person be better at scoring? Yes, you would only need 2 clubs. 在高爾夫運動中,成功的高爾夫球手會始終如一地揮桿並確切地知道該使用哪支球桿。這在交易中聽起來很熟悉嗎?是的,但如果每個洞都是 100 碼,普通人的得分會更好嗎?是的,您只需要 2 個球桿. **Historical Background:** ** 历史背景 In the early 1980s, Peter Steidlmayer introduced Market Profile for CBOE. Rather than focusing on visual elements like blocks or alphabets, Steidlmayer identified two primary groups of market participants : 20 世纪 80...